My layout is a freelanced design loosely based on the Great Northern RR in Minnesota late 50s really 60s. The main yard is St. Cloud with towns of Hinkley and Elk River. I use the standard car cards and 4 position waybills along with a train order card. My operating session is laid back and consists of one eaast bound turn from Minneapolis (staging) to St. Cloud and one west bound turn from Duluth (staging) to St. Cloud. Operations consist of local and yard switching. I also have a mine branch run and swap, along with passenger and reefer runs. I dispatch vocally. Jobs would be - yard master (local pickups and delay, sort arrival and departures and turn locos on Turntable). Road turn - (local pickups and drops at two towns). Third job includes - mine run (empties and loads) , reefers, passenger.